Case Study - Uniting Hearts, Rebuilding Dreams

Raha Foundation is a charity uplifting Afghan communities by supporting child laborers with education, healthcare, and psychosocial support.

Raha Foundation
Web Design, Development, UX/UI

The Redesign of Raha Foundation Website

Project Overview

The Raha Charity Foundation is dedicated to creating a brighter future for Afghanistan by supporting and empowering child laborers. Since its inception in July 2019, the foundation has been committed to providing holistic assistance, including education, healthcare, psychosocial support, nutritional provisions, transportation, clothing, and more. By addressing these fundamental needs, Raha Charity Foundation aims to break the cycle of exploitation and poverty, fostering an environment where children can thrive and realize their full potential.

Project Objectives

The primary objective of the project was to redesign the Raha Foundation's website to better reflect its mission and enhance user engagement. The key goals were to:

  • Develop a sleek and modern website design.
  • Create a multi-language platform to cater to diverse audiences.
  • Showcase the foundation's programs and initiatives effectively.
  • Provide a seamless donation process.
  • Promote volunteer opportunities.
  • Offer a solution to sell children's handcrafted items.

Project Scope

The project involved designing and developing a multiple-page website with the following features:

  • Sleek and Modern Design: A visually appealing, user-friendly interface that reflects the foundation's mission and values.
  • Multi-Language Support: The website supports three different languages, ensuring accessibility for a wider audience.
  • Gallery and Albums Page: A dedicated page to showcase images and albums of the foundation’s activities and events, highlighting the impact of their work.
  • Program Details: Comprehensive pages detailing the various programs offered by the foundation, including education, healthcare, psychosocial support, and nutritional provisions.
  • Boutique Page: An online store to sell handcrafted items made by children, providing them with a source of income and promoting their talents.
  • Make a donation: A secure and user-friendly donation page that facilitates easy contributions from supporters and donors.
  • Be a Volunteer: A page dedicated to promoting volunteer opportunities, allowing individuals to get involved and support the foundation’s mission.
  • Admin Panel: A robust admin panel to manage website content efficiently in three different languages, ensuring the website remains up-to-date and relevant.

Process and Methodology

To meet the objectives of the project, we began with an in-depth discovery and planning phase. We engaged with the Raha Foundation team to understand their goals, target audience, and specific requirements. This led to the development of a comprehensive project plan outlining the scope, timeline, and deliverables.

In the design and development phase, we created wireframes and mockups to visualize the website’s structure. We applied modern design principles and user experience best practices to develop a sleek, intuitive interface, ensuring the design was responsive and optimized for all devices. For content management, we integrated a robust content management system (CMS) with multi-language support and built an admin panel to efficiently manage website content in three different languages.

The e-commerce integration involved setting up the boutique page with secure payment gateway integration for online sales of handcrafted items. In the testing and launch phase, we conducted comprehensive testing to ensure the website functioned seamlessly across all browsers and devices. Finally, we launched the website and provided training to the Raha Foundation team on how to manage the admin panel effectively.


  • Ensuring the website supported multiple languages without compromising on design and functionality.
  • Creating a secure and user-friendly donation system.
  • Integrating an e-commerce platform for the boutique page.


  • Utilized a robust CMS with multi-language support to manage content efficiently.
  • Implemented secure payment gateways and encryption protocols for the donation and boutique pages.
  • Conducted extensive testing to ensure the website performed optimally across all languages and devices.

Results and Impact

The redesigned website has significantly enhanced the Raha Foundation’s online presence. Key outcomes include:

  • Increased user engagement and time spent on the website.
  • Higher conversion rates for donations and boutique sales.
  • Improved accessibility for a diverse audience through multi-language support.
  • Enhanced volunteer sign-ups and community involvement.


The successful redesign of the Raha Foundation website has empowered the foundation to further its mission of supporting and uplifting Afghan children. By leveraging modern design principles and robust functionalities, the new website serves as a powerful tool in driving transformative change in the community.

What I did

  • Website Design
  • Website Development
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • UI/UX

Technology Stack

  • Figma
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Next.js
  • TypeScript
  • MySQL
  • Vercel
Keywork Ranking
Largest Content Paint
Funds Received
GTMetrix Grade

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